3 ways to use the wheel of Life (+free download)

The Wheel of Life is a versatile and powerful coaching tool With a wide range of applications and adaptability, the Wheel of Life can be incorporated into any coaching situation. From goal setting to client check-ins, this tool offers numerous benefits in making coaching tangible and measuring progress.

In this article, we'll explore some exciting ways to use the Wheel of Life. You'll discover how to maximize its potential and encourage your clients' growth. Get ready to uncover some fantastic strategies and techniques that you can implement into your practice right away.

Key Takeaways

  • The Wheel of Life is a versatile tool for diverse coaching situations

  • Use it to measure progress effectively and make coaching tangible

  • Applying the Wheel in creative ways can elevate your coaching sessions.

The Wheel of Life: An Overview

The Wheel of Life is an incredibly versatile tool favored by many coaches. This powerful instrument can be used in various situations and adapted to any coaching context. When employed with new clients, the Wheel of Life encourages them to think more broadly about their lives before establishing their goals. Revisiting the wheel alongside specific goals set during coaching sessions provides valuable insights into progress and personal development.

The wheel can be useful during check-ins, especially if a client is unsure about their goals for a particular session. It's an effective method of clarifying priorities and delving deeper into client's issues. As a visual tool that resonates with many people, the wheel can also be utilized in workshops, group sessions, and online coaching.

There are multiple ways to use the Wheel of Life, including measuring progress, bridging skills gaps in career coaching, and raising overall awareness about life balance. It's a simple yet potent means to make coaching more tangible, as it quickly and easily shows progress. This can be particularly helpful when reintroducing the Wheel of Life after three or four months to reassess progress made during the coaching process.

In the context of career coaching, the wheel can help clients identify both their strengths and weaknesses for a desired job or promotion. By listing core skills for a particular role and scoring themselves accordingly, clients can work with their coaches to focus on areas that need improvement, while also celebrating and leveraging their strengths.

In short, the Wheel of Life's adaptability and multitude of applications make it an invaluable part of any coaching process. It's not only informative and practical for clients seeking personal growth, but it also offers coaches a definite way of measuring and demonstrating progress to their clients.

Top Wheel of Life Applications

Evaluating Progress

Using the Wheel of Life as a progress measurement tool is perhaps the most popular way to leverage this versatile coaching instrument. Regularly completing and revisiting the wheel ensures that clients can see tangible improvement in their lives. Making a habit of assessing their progress after fixed intervals can help clients understand how far they've come along their coaching journey.

Advancing Career Paths

Another practical use of the Wheel of Life is applying it in career coaching situations. If a client is interested in acquiring new skills or pursuing a promotion, the wheel can help them visualize the necessary areas of improvement. Begin by identifying the key skills required for the desired role or promotion, then label the wheel segments with these skills. Score each area on a scale of 0 (no experience) to 10 (fully proficient). Focusing on improving the low-scoring segments can enable clients to progress toward their professional objectives.

Engaging in Group Settings

The Wheel of Life isn't just for individual coaching sessions; it can also be highly impactful in group or workshop scenarios. The simplicity and universal applicability of the concept make it an ideal tool for group discussions and peer-learning experiences. Asking participants to share and compare their wheel results can help spark productive conversations and facilitate collective growth.

Concluding Remarks

As you can see, the Wheel of Life is an incredibly versatile and useful tool in various coaching situations. By incorporating the Wheel of Life into your coaching practice, you can easily measure progress, assist in career development, and increase client awareness.

Remember that the Wheel of Life can be adapted to suit individual client needs, making it a highly customizable tool. You can use this instrument to help individuals and groups alike, and it will always provide valuable insights.

In addition to being a powerful tool for coaches, the Wheel of Life is a simple and easy-to-use method that clients can grasp quickly. It provides a visual representation of progress and helps shine a light on areas that may require additional focus and improvement.

Embrace the Wheel of Life in your coaching practice for a more tangible and engaging experience, and you will see how it can lead to measurable results for both you and your clients.


Four Favorite Ways to Use the Wheel of Life

  1. Measuring Progress: By simply rescore the Wheel after a few months, you can easily compare the scores to see progress. This makes the intangible aspects of coaching seem more concrete.

  2. Career Coaching: Use the Wheel to identify core skills needed for a new role or promotion. Clients can score themselves in those areas and develop goals to improve their skills or showcase their strengths.

  3. Workshops and Groups: The Wheel is great for group sessions, reinforcing progress, and sparking engaging discussions.

  4. Dealing with Unclear Session Goals: If clients come without a clear goal, use the Wheel to help them identify areas where they need improvement or support.

Remember that this tool is just the beginning - there are countless ways to use the Wheel of Life for your coaching needs. Want to learn some further applications of the wheel tool? Check out the “9 UNIQUE WAYS TO USE THE WHEEL TOOL FOR COACHING”.


7 Free Coaching Tools For Your Life Coaching Practice
