7 Free Coaching Tools For Your Life Coaching Practice

The Ladder of Inference

What Is It?

The Ladder of Inference is a mental model that explains how we form beliefs and take actions based on limited data. Imagine a ladder: at the bottom are the raw facts and experiences, and as you climb, you make interpretations, form beliefs, and finally take actions. This ladder can help you understand why you think the way you do, and it’s a tool coaches often use to guide clients in self-awareness and decision-making.

What You Can Do With This Type of Coaching Tool

The Ladder of Inference is incredibly useful for unraveling complex thought patterns and behaviors. Coaches can use it to help clients identify assumptions or biases that might be influencing their actions. For example, if a client is hesitant to apply for a new job, the ladder can help uncover the underlying beliefs affecting that decision, like a fear of rejection or a sense of inadequacy.

Tips for Using It

  1. Be Aware of Each Step: As you climb the ladder, be conscious of each step you're taking. Are you making assumptions? Are you filtering out information? Being aware helps you make better decisions.

  2. Challenge Your Beliefs: Don’t just accept your beliefs at face value. Use the ladder to backtrack and question how you arrived at those beliefs. This can reveal hidden biases or unfounded assumptions.

  3. Use It as a Communication Tool: If you're a coach, use the ladder to open up discussions with your clients. It's a great way to guide conversations and dig deep into thought processes.

  4. Revisit and Revise: The Ladder of Inference isn’t a one-time tool; it’s something that you can revisit and revise. As you gain more data and experience, your climb up the ladder may change.

By understanding the Ladder of Inference, you can make better decisions, challenge your thought patterns, and communicate more effectively, whether you're a coach or someone striving for personal development.

Download a FREE copy of a ladder of inference coaching tool here.

The SMART Goal Map: A Coaching Tool for Success

What Is It?

The SMART Goal Map is a tool that helps you set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Unlike vague aspirations, SMART goals give you a clear path to follow. This tool is often used in coaching to turn dreams into actionable steps.

What You Can Do With This Type of Coaching Tool

As a coach, the SMART Goal Map is your go-to tool for helping clients turn their ambitions into reality. Whether your client wants to change careers, improve relationships, or get healthier, SMART goals provide a structured way to get there. It breaks down big, overwhelming goals into smaller, manageable tasks. It's like having a GPS for life goals.

Tips for Using It With Coaching Clients

First, guide your clients to be as specific as possible when setting their goals. The more detailed, the better. For example, instead of saying, "I want to get fit," a SMART goal would be, "I will walk 10,000 steps a day for the next 30 days."

Second, make sure the goals are measurable. If you can't track it, you can't improve it. Use numbers and timelines to quantify goals. This gives both you and your client a way to gauge progress.

Lastly, always check in on these goals. Use follow-up sessions to review what's working and what's not. This is the time to make adjustments. Maybe the "A" for Achievable needs to be tweaked, or perhaps the "T" for Time-bound needs an extension.

The SMART Goal Map isn't just about setting goals; it's about setting goals that work. As a coach, it enables you to steer your clients on a course for success, helping them navigate life's challenges with precision and purpose.

Download a FREE copy of a SMART Goal Map coaching tool here.

Overcoming Procrastination: A Coaching Worksheet for Real Results

What Is It?

Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks, often leading to stress, poor performance, and a cycle of guilt. To help tackle this, we've developed a PDF coaching worksheet specifically designed to help coaches guide their clients in overcoming procrastination. This worksheet identifies triggers, evaluates time management skills, and offers actionable steps to break the procrastination habit.

What You Can Do With This Type of Coaching Tool

The Overcoming Procrastination worksheet is a practical tool for identifying the root causes of procrastination and creating an action plan. As a coach, you can use this worksheet to help your clients prioritize their tasks, set deadlines, and develop coping strategies. It's not just about telling clients to stop procrastinating; it's about giving them the framework to understand why they procrastinate and how to combat it.

Tips for Using It With Coaching Clients

Firstly, encourage complete honesty when filling out the worksheet. The more truthful the answers, the more effective the action plan will be. Use the worksheet as a conversation starter to delve into deeper issues that may not surface otherwise.

Secondly, use the worksheet to set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term wins can act as motivation for tackling bigger tasks. Keep the worksheet handy and refer back to it in each session to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

Lastly, don't just focus on the "what"; delve into the "why." Use the worksheet to explore the emotional and psychological factors behind procrastination. Understanding the "why" provides a fuller picture and equips clients with the tools to make long-lasting changes.

The Overcoming Procrastination worksheet is more than a list of to-dos; it's a catalyst for change. As a coach, you now have a structured method to help your clients move from stuck to unstoppable.

Download a FREE copy of the Overcoming Procrastination coaching tool here.

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset: A Coaching Worksheet for Unleashing Potential

fixed vs growth mindset PDF for coaches

What Is It?

A mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. A fixed mindset believes abilities are static, leading to a desire to appear smart, which ultimately hinders growth. On the other hand, a growth mindset believes abilities can be developed, fostering a love for challenges and resilience toward setbacks. Our PDF coaching worksheet helps coaches and clients identify and challenge limiting beliefs tied to a fixed mindset.

What You Can Do With This Type of Coaching Tool

This worksheet is a powerful tool for coaches who want to help their clients break free from the mental barriers holding them back. It guides clients in identifying their fixed mindset beliefs and offers a framework for shifting toward a growth mindset. This can be a game-changer in any coaching context, whether you're working on career development, personal growth, or specific skills training.

Tips for Using It With Coaching Clients

First, make sure your client understands the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. Use real-life examples to illustrate how each mindset operates. This sets the stage for the worksheet activities.

Next, during the worksheet exercises, encourage your clients to be brutally honest in identifying their limiting beliefs. The more transparent they are, the more actionable the insights will be.

Lastly, don't make it a one-and-done activity. Revisit the worksheet in future sessions to track progress and adjust strategies. The goal is to make the growth mindset a lifelong approach, not just a temporary fix.

The Fixed vs. Growth Mindset worksheet is not just a set of questions; it's a transformational tool. As a coach, you can use it to guide your clients from a limiting fixed mindset to an empowering growth mindset, unlocking their full potential in the process.

Download a FREE copy of the Fixed vs. Growth Mindset coaching worksheet here.

Building New Habits: A PDF Worksheet for Lasting Change

building new habits PDF worksheet

What Is It?

Habits are the small actions we take daily that add up to big results over time. Changing them isn't easy, but it's crucial for personal growth. Our Building New Habits PDF Worksheet is designed to help coaches guide clients through the process of identifying limiting beliefs that hold them back from establishing new, positive habits.

What You Can Do With This Type of Coaching Tool

This worksheet is a practical roadmap for habit change. As a coach, you can use it to help your clients pinpoint the habits they want to form and the obstacles standing in their way. By working through this sheet, clients can map out the small, daily actions that will lead to significant changes in their lives. Whether the focus is on fitness, productivity, or relationships, this tool is versatile enough to apply to any area needing improvement.

Tips for Using It With Coaching Clients

First, ask your clients to complete the worksheet before delving into deeper discussions. This will give both of you a clear picture of where they stand and what habits they aim to build. The honesty in their answers will provide the raw material for effective coaching.

Second, use the worksheet as a baseline for tracking progress. Each session, revisit the goals and actions listed to see what's working and what needs adjustment. This iterative process is vital for long-term success.

Lastly, don't forget to celebrate small wins. New habits take time to form, and acknowledging minor victories can provide the motivation needed to stick with it.

The Building New Habits PDF Worksheet is more than just a list—it's a catalyst for meaningful change. As a coach, you'll find it invaluable for helping your clients break free from limiting beliefs and take consistent, actionable steps toward their goals.

Download a FREE copy of a coaching worksheet for building new habits here.

Escaping the Comfort Zone: A PDF Worksheet for Coaches

comfort zone PDF worksheet

What Is It?

The comfort zone is that cozy place where life feels easy but personal growth is stunted. Our Escaping the Comfort Zone PDF Worksheet is a coaching tool designed to help clients stretch beyond their self-imposed boundaries. This worksheet focuses on identifying the limits of one's comfort zone, understanding the role of fear in personal growth, and planning actionable steps for venturing into the growth zone.

What You Can Do With This Type of Coaching Tool

This worksheet is a go-to resource for coaches looking to help clients break through barriers. It provides a structured approach for clients to realize what they're missing by staying put and what they stand to gain by taking risks. Whether your client wants to climb the corporate ladder, improve social relationships, or conquer personal fears, this tool lays the groundwork for meaningful transformation.

Tips for Using It With Coaching Clients

Start by asking your clients to fill out the worksheet in advance of your coaching session. This will give you valuable insights into their current mindset and perceived limitations. Use these responses as the foundation for deeper exploration and targeted coaching interventions.

Secondly, revisit the worksheet periodically in subsequent sessions to track progress and make adjustments. Change doesn't happen overnight, and it's important to gauge how far the client has come in stepping out of their comfort zone.

Lastly, encourage clients to embrace their fears as a natural part of the growth process. Use the worksheet to highlight that fear and mistakes aren't signs of weakness but are, in fact, stepping stones to success.

The Escaping the Comfort Zone PDF Worksheet is not just an exercise in self-reflection; it's a tool for catalyzing action. As a coach, you can use it to guide your clients from the stagnation of comfort to the exhilaration of growth.

Download a FREE copy of a comfort zone coaching tool here.

The Wheel of Life: A PDF Worksheet for Balanced Living

editable wheel of life exercise

What Is It?

The Wheel of Life is a classic coaching tool presented as a circle divided into segments, each representing a critical area of life like career, relationships, health, and personal growth. Our PDF worksheet offers a structured way to assess how satisfied one is in these various areas, providing a visual snapshot of life's imbalances and opportunities.

What You Can Do With This Type of Coaching Tool

This worksheet is a multi-purpose instrument in any coach's toolkit. It helps clients quickly identify which life areas are flourishing and which need attention. The visual nature of the wheel makes it easy to spot imbalances, offering a starting point for meaningful conversations about goals and priorities.

Tips for Using It With Coaching Clients

First, have your clients fill out the worksheet before your session. This gives you a head start in understanding where their focus should be. Use the wheel as a discussion guide, exploring each segment to unearth deeper issues or aspirations.

Next, use the wheel for goal-setting. Once the areas needing attention are identified, work with your client to set SMART goals aimed at bringing more balance to their life.

Lastly, make the Wheel of Life a regular part of your coaching process. Revisiting the wheel in future sessions can provide a visual representation of progress, reinforcing the effectiveness of the coaching engagement.

The Wheel of Life PDF Worksheet is not just an assessment tool; it's a catalyst for action and transformation. As a coach, it provides you with a straightforward way to dive into your client's world, helping them move toward a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Download a FREE and editable wheel of life coaching tool here.

If you want to read about more ways on how you can use the wheel coaching tool in your own practice - see this article.

Check out more free coaching tools here!


Growth Mindset the Infographic


3 ways to use the wheel of Life (+free download)