Coping Mantra (Fillable) PDF Coaching Tool


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About this coaching tool:

The concept of coping mantra was developed by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis, and Patrick Fanning in their book "Self-Esteem: A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem." A coping mantra is a short, positive phrase or statement that an individual can repeat to themselves in order to help them stay focused and calm during difficult situations.

McKay and West suggest that coping mantras should be simple, easy to remember, and directly related to the specific stressor or anxiety-provoking situation. They recommend that individuals experiment with different coping mantras and select the one that works best for them. This exercise will help you come up with your own personal mantra that addresses your own unique adversity. It will help you replace your unhelpful (fixed mindset) thoughts, with more productive and helpful (growth mindset) alternatives.

How Personal Mantras Work in Alleviating Anxiety

Personal mantras work on several levels. First, they help shift in focus from anxiety-provoking thoughts to calming, positive affirmation.

From a scientific perspective, personal mantras leverage the concept of neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to experiences. Repetition of positive affirmations can create new neural pathways, promoting more positive responses to stress over time. So when you repeat a positive mantra over and over again, you start to believe it and act accordingly.

In addition, personal mantras are a form of cognitive restructuring. They work by challenging anxiety-inducing thought patterns, replacing them with more positive, empowering beliefs.

Incorporating Personal Mantras into Daily Routine

Using mantras as a part of your daily routine maximizes their effectiveness. Repeat them when you wake up, before a potentially stressful event, or during meditation. The key lies in consistency and practice. Over time, these repeated affirmations become embedded in your psyche, helping to mitigate anxiety automatically.

Consider integrating personal mantras with other anxiety management techniques—like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation—for a more comprehensive approach

Who is this tool meant for?

This exercise is designed for coaches, therapists, counselors, and other mental health professionals looking for a tool/exercise to integrate into their practice. Please note that while you can use this tool for self-help, it’s primarily designed for practitioners.

What does this download include?

  • Fillable PDF Coping Mantra Coaching Tool

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